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We’re two weeks into the swing of things, and we are so enjoying catching up with you all! As you’ve definitely noticed elsewhere by now, things work a little differently at least for a while– but we’re here, still providing the same, quality care you know and taking good care of our patients and team.

We have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to see patients virtually for regular appointments throughout this time. Moving forward, we will continue to utilize this technology to address issues on the fly, and we will plan your appointments accordingly.

We have always and will continue to follow guidelines for preventing the spread of any infectious disease, as outlined by the standards set by the CDC, American Association of Orthodontists, and other local professional organizations.

We utilize hospital-level sterilization techniques for your safety and health. We will continue to be diligent in our efforts to keep our office safe for you and your family.

Here are some of the changes you can expect when you arrive:

We must limit the number of people we have in the office at a time. We will be staggering the scheduling of patients we see each day as well as adding additional clinic days and times so that we can spread out appointments more effectively.

Prior to Your Appointment

  • Please brush your teeth prior to arriving at our office. 
  • You will receive an appointment reminder text like normal– but this time we’ll include a link for you to answer a brief wellness survey, or you can visit
  • To save time before you arrive, please fill out your wellness survey the night before your appointment.
    We are required to have you fill out this survey before you can enter our office. 

What to Bring

  • A mask or mouth covering 😷
    At this time, no one is allowed in our office without a mask or mouth covering.

When You Arrive

  • Please stay in your vehicle.
  • You will notice signs that will direct you to scan a QR code to check in. That QR code will direct you to the wellness survey. If you have not already completed this survey in advance, please scan the code or visit the link on the sign.
    We are required to have you fill out this survey before you can enter our office.
  • Text “HERE” when you arrive.
  • When we are ready for you, one of our awesome team members will meet you at the door to take your temperature and complete your pre-screening.
  • Patients should enter the office alone. We ask that at this time, parents and siblings wait in the car. In an effort to keep our space as safe and sanitary as possible, our waiting room will remain closed at this time.
    Don’t worry– it won’t be that way forever! A little extra caution makes us all safer.

In the Office

  • You can expect all of our team members to be wearing PPE throughout your time here. We were experts on the PPE thing long before COVID, and will be long after… you can be confident that we take all precautions to prevent the spread of any germs at every step of the process, for your sake– and ours!
  • All patients and staff will work together in the office to observe social distancing guidelines and proper hand washing and sterilization.

After Your Appointment
As a courtesy to our patients and staff, we ask that you closely monitor your family’s health for a period of two weeks following your visit to our office. During that time period, should you or someone that you have had contact with develop symptoms of COVID-19 please call our office and report this.

As we reschedule appointments, we ask for your patience. It may take longer to get you back in, but we can assure you we’ll be doing everything we can to see you as soon as possible– and we can’t wait to see you.

We will continue to follow the recommendations of our State, the CDC, and the ADA. Please check back for updates or feel free to contact us with any questions.

Parents: We will be happy to call or text you after your child’s appointment to fill you in on progress and next steps. If you have any specific concerns you’d like us to address during the appointment, please feel free to contact us prior to their appointment.

All processes are subject to change based on the recommendations of our state, the AAO, and the ADA. Please check back for updates or feel free to contact us with any questions.

We appreciate your patience and understanding through all of this and we can’t wait to see your smiling faces again soon!


More Than Just Braces and Invisalign in Tulsa

Our practice isn’t what you might expect from an orthodontic office. It’s not just about braces and Invisalign or seeing as many patients as possible.

We like to go at a slower pace here. By taking our time during each appointment, we know that each patient is getting very high-quality treatment — from the minor aesthetic details that we fuss over to the bigger picture. We make sure that every detail is covered so the patient finishes treatment with a beautiful smile.

More than that, though, we hope that our patients leave feeling like they have a wider support network and knowing that we really believe in them. That’s important to us.

Carter & Higgins Orthodontics

Handcrafted Smiles for Truly Personalized Care

At Carter & Higgins Orthodontics, our goal is to serve our patients and their families — not just their teeth. We take our time with every single patient, to ensure that you get the best possible care.

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