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Let’s be honest—it’s pretty rare to find a child who LOVES to brush their teeth. More often than not, brushing feels like a chore, a hassle, or even an all-out battle.  Use our Spring Toothbrushing Chart and other tips to encourage healthy habits.

Turn on the Tunes

What could be more fun than a dance party in the bathroom?! Turn on a fun song that your kids can scrub their teeth and shake their booty to. Added bonus – choose a song that is a few minutes long and tell your children they need to brush until the song is over. Those tooth brushes also make great impromptu microphones for your clean teeth rock stars.

Use a Brushing Chart

Using candy to as a reward for brushing teeth seems counter intuitive, so how can we reward our little ones for carrying out this daunting task with out sugaring up those pearly whites? How about with stickers and markers! Print out our Spring Toothbrushing Chart – let your kids go to town decorating their chart! Be sure to write their name big at the top and let them use a marker or sticker to fill in every time they brush. When the chart is full, reward them with a special outing or privilege.

Pick the Perfect Tooth Brush

Make this an adventure for your child! Tell them you guys are going on a special mission next time you are at the grocery store, then take them over to the kids tooth brush aisle and let them go crazy looking through all the Dora the Explorer, Hot Wheels, Batman, Hello Kitty, and other seemingly endless choices of fun character-themed tooth brushes. They can even try out the electric brushes and picks out toothpaste that will make their teeth the sparkliest in the class.

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Carter & Higgins Orthodontics

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At Carter & Higgins Orthodontics, our goal is to serve our patients and their families — not just their teeth. We take our time with every single patient, to ensure that you get the best possible care.

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