The tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions began with the Babylonians some 4,000 years ago. At the start of a new year they made promises to their gods to return borrowed objects and pay their debts. They would hold a 12-day religious festival known as Akita, where a new king would be crowned or their loyalty would be reaffirmed to their reigning king. It was believed if they kept their word and followed through with their promises, their god’s would bestow favor on them for the coming year.
4,000 years later and today, the tradition of making promises and to whom has changed somewhat, to say the least. What was once regarded as a religious tradition has now become a personal tradition. Today, we resolve to change our lifestyle, join a gym, quit bad habits, become healthier, say goodbye to negativity and hello to positivity. We resolve to spend more time with our family and loved ones. We resolve to complete those projects or reach those goals we set for ourselves in years past.
Popular belief is that New Year’s resolutions set on January 1st of the new year will by February 1st be non existent. In spite of the popular belief some of us continue to set those resolutions. Is there a really a ‘past resolution gone bad’? In the grand scheme of things, I say no! Anyone who sets a new goal for themselves, strives to become a better person, do more for themselves, their families, their communities… has noticed a change needs to be made and is striving to make that change. In the effort and even a month of advancement, there is success! The beauty of a new year is that it is new, it symbolizes a fresh start. Each year we become wiser, stronger, more ready to face challenges. So, each year we resolve to make a change, we are more likely to reach that goal than in the year past.
So, make those New Year’s resolutions. Resolve to do anything better than how it was done the year before. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail. Contrary to what Yoda says, “Do or do not, there is no try,” I believe you don’t fail until you quit trying. I prefer to believe more in the quote by Woody Allen, “Showing up is 80 percent of Life.” Show up for 2017. Be present. Enjoy every moment. Keep trying, never quit! Let’s make it a wonderful 2017!
Happy New Year!!!
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